4,6 / 5 csillag
4,6 / 5 csillag
4,6 / 5 csillag
4,6 / 5 csillag
4,6 / 5 csillag
4,6 / 5 csillag
4,6 / 5 csillag
4,6 / 5 csillag
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Personalised Gift
Name - Just Like A Princess

Name - Just Like A Princess

11 200 Ft 11 200 Ft
Tegye személyessé a könyvet. ⬇

Join the magical world of Disney Princesses!

In this personalised book a little princess fan travels to far away kingdoms and lands to meet the enchanting Disney Princesses.

Our character visits Moana, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Ariel and many other inspiring and brave princesses. All the good qualities of princesses make our little protagonist understand how she or he can become just like a princess.

The book is made in collaboration with Disney.

Illusztrátor: Sarah Conradsen

Életkor szerint
3–7 éveseknek
27 oldal
delivery time
8-9 munkanap
Skandináv ökocímke
Skandináv ökocímke
Kemény fedél, 200 g bevonatos papír
Kemény fedél, 200 g bevonatos papír

Personalise Name - Just Like A Princess

Choose Book Size

Write a personalised dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).

Information about the Child

Write the First Name of the Child.

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